


  1. We offer a Four-Race Series with an Average Speed.
  2. 150 Miles Activation Race
    • 150 Miles 1st Race
    • 190 Miles 2nd Race
    • 230 Miles 3rd Race
    • 335 Miles Final Race
  3. The loft's maximum capacity is 1,300 birds.
  4. Martinez Classic will fly the Bay Cities Combine Race Station from the North.
  5. Accepting birds from February 1st to May 1st.
  6. Replacement birds until May 15th.
  7. No birds limit per breeders entered.
  8. No upfront Perch Fee.
  9. The Activation Fee is $450:
    • $100 going to the Perch Fee
    • $300 going to the Capital Prices
    • $50 going to the Iron Pigeon Race
  10. The Perch Fees are non-refundable.
  11. Participants must be 18 years old to enter.
  12. There will be two (2) 100-mile training before the Activation Race.
  13. Fees are due after the 150 Activation Race.
  14. 15% will be withheld for race expenses due to the current economic inflation.
  15. Birds whose entry fee is not paid after activation will be sold.
  16. Live Clocking by Wincompanion.
  17. The Final Race is 335 miles from Euraka, NV.
  18. If there is a tailwind, the loft manager has the right to add 20 miles to the final race.
  19. The final race pays on the first drop - all birds that are less than 1 minute are considered the first drop, then by clocking order thereafter.
  20. An IRS W-9 form will be required for any winnings of $600 or more.
  21. All birds will have the 9th and 10th flight feathers pulled and grown in before training, this will allow the birds to be competitive.
  22. A light system will be used by the handler and All birds will be vaccinated with PMV and POX.
  23. All birds will be equally managed, feed, medicated, and trained.
  24. Breeders pay return shipping USPS $60 for the first bird an additional $15 for each bird.
  25. Race dates and locations are subject to change due to weather conditions.
  26. The loft manager reserves the right to refuse entries.
  27. The loft manager has the right to make all final decisions.
  28. Loft visitors are welcome by appointment only and may not enter the loft.
  29. Loft visitors will not be handling any birds.